About EPFR’s Fund Flows and Allocations Data and Insights
Unparalleled understanding of how money is moving and why
Our best-in-class Fund Flows and Allocations Data helps you reveal the investible truth by looking at market trends, investor sentiment, liquidity, risk signals and corporate actions, and can be tailored to your specific use case.
Primary benefits
Industry-leading timeliness and granularity
Supports both bottom-up and top-down asset allocation strategies
Illustrated analysis of key factors driving current flow trends
Critical insights at macro and stock levels
Unique views on fund manager and investor sentiment
Insight into the fixed Income fund market at a bond ownership and security level
Connecting the dots with EPFR’s Fund Flows
Dating back to 1995, our fund flow data provides as-reported coverage of the net flows into and out of a universe of over 151,000 share classes and more than $55 trillion in assets tracked (AUM), helping our clients reveal the investible truth from:
- Equity Fund Flows
- Bond Fund Flows
- All other major asset classes, including: Money Market Flows, Alternative Fund Flows, and Multi-Asset Flows
Trusted by:
of the Bulge Bracket (the world’s largest investment banks)
of the “top 20” global asset management firms (by AUM)
of the Bulge Bracket (the world’s largest central banks)
of the “top 20” global asset mgmt firms (by AUM)
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EPFR in the news – December 2024
Learn where EPFR’s fund flows and allocations data has been cited in leading global media outlets, this is a summary for December 2024.
EPFR in the news – November 2024
EPFR’s Fund Flows and Allocations data is cited by leading media outlets around the globe, here’s a summary for November 2024.
Investors come out of the gate like bulls
A damn-the-torpedoes spirit gripped investors during the first week of the New Year.
Faced with bond vigilantes stampeding UK sovereign yields and year-ahead forecasts devoting space to overheated US valuations, the impact of tariffs on inflation and trade, China’s slowing economic growth, rising corporate defaults and the vast borrowing requirements of most leading economies, investors responded in contrarian fashion. They steered over $10 billion into both US Equity and Bond Funds while flows into China Equity and High Yield Bond Funds climbed to four and seven-week highs, respectively.
EPFR in the news – December 2024
Learn where EPFR’s fund flows and allocations data has been cited in leading global media outlets, this is a summary for December 2024.
EPFR in the news – November 2024
EPFR’s Fund Flows and Allocations data is cited by leading media outlets around the globe, here’s a summary for November 2024.
Investors come out of the gate like bulls
A damn-the-torpedoes spirit gripped investors during the first week of the New Year.
Faced with bond vigilantes stampeding UK sovereign yields and year-ahead forecasts devoting space to overheated US valuations, the impact of tariffs on inflation and trade, China’s slowing economic growth, rising corporate defaults and the vast borrowing requirements of most leading economies, investors responded in contrarian fashion. They steered over $10 billion into both US Equity and Bond Funds while flows into China Equity and High Yield Bond Funds climbed to four and seven-week highs, respectively.
Outside of the US, sails flapping at year’s end
The first two months of 2024 saw Japan, India, Technology and China Equity Funds absorb a net $5.2 billion, $10.7 billion, $14.1 billion and $44.6 billion, respectively, while US Equity Funds pulled in a minimal $3.4 billion. During the final two months of last year, however, US Equity Funds added $174 billion as they set a new full-year inflow record while flows to the other groups ranged from an outflow of over $10 billion for Japan Equity Funds to an inflow of $2.2 billion for China Equity Funds.