Market insights: An in-depth analysis of emerging markets in Asia

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine deeply impacted emerging markets in 2022. With investor sentiment shifting towards emerging Asia-Pacific markets, especially India, Vietnam and Taiwan, fund flow data from EPFR reveals that other regions, such as Latin America, underperformed despite the opportunities that the war in Europe created for them.

The biggest surprise, however, was the ever-growing investment appetite towards China. The country’s ‘zero-Covid’ policy and the tensions with Taiwan didn’t stop money flow during the Year of the Tiger, as other neighbouring countries within the region experienced a similar scenario.

Emerging markets in Asia started 2023 with considerable momentum, but is the region keeping up with these expectations? Cameron Brand, Director of Research, and Steven Xinlei Shen, Manager of Quantitative Strategies, deep dive into the region’s situation, covering:

  • Equity fund flows to Asia versus other regions since 2021
  • In-depth China: equity and hedge funds
  • Daily fund flows towards APAC countries
  • South Korea’s case
  • …And more.


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