Global Navigator, Economist Insights To investors, the ‘punch bowl’ still looks empty In mid-June, markets got what they had been hoping for. The US Federal Reserve paused its rate hiking cycle and China’s central bank moved, albeit... Jun 26, 2023
Multimedia Weekly fund flows highlights – 19th June 2023 Our EPFR Fund Flows and Allocation data reveals the latest in investor sentiment as the US Federal Reserve announce they’re pausing the... Jun 22, 2023
Global Navigator, Economist Insights Getting a pause, hoping for a pivot In mid-June investors got from the US Federal Reserve what they’d been hoping for since the beginning of the year: a pause in the Fed’s current... Jun 19, 2023
Multimedia Weekly fund flows highlights – 12th June 2023 How did markets react to the pause in rising interest rates and a resolution to the debt ceiling? Steve Muzzlewhite, Global Head of Customer... Jun 13, 2023
Global Navigator, Economist Insights Cashing in on interesting times The end of the latest debt ceiling standoff and expectations that the US Federal Reserve will keep interest rates on hold when it meets next week... Jun 12, 2023
Global Navigator, Economist Insights Opening the door to another leg up? The final week of May ended with US lawmakers voting to lift the country’s debt ceiling, markets assigning a one-in-three chance that the Federal... Jun 05, 2023