EPFR Exchange Podcast x Macrobond: High-frequency data and inflation

The EPFR Exchange podcast kicks off a new monthly Nowcasting podcast series, where partner and client guest speakers join EPFR to discuss the latest trends in our tracked-fund data, sharing their unique perspectives on major market topics.

In our first episode, EPFR is joined by Macrobond, a leading provider of global economic and aggregate financial time-series data, to share their insight on high-frequency data and inflation. EPFR Director of Research Cameron Brandt and Macrobond Global Head of Data Sales Grégoire Haftman, uncover themes in the economic world through daily fund flows and other high frequency economic indicators. Listen in for a discussion covering the history of high-frequency macro data, ways to produce nowcast models, and where to find the most granular data.

We also want to hear from you. How soon do you think there will there be an ending to the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

Listen in and email us at podcast@epfr.com with questions, or contact us if you want more information on the Fund Flows and Asset Allocations data we track.

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