Market Insights: Latest trends for ESG and Electric Vehicle Funds

The road for Equity Funds with socially responsible (SRI) or environmental, social and governance (ESG) mandates has become much bumpier over the last year, as pragmatism and skepticism have taken over investor sentiment. The same applies to Electric Vehicles, a sector whose narrative ran into realpolitik earlier this year following the imposition of much higher tariffs on green vehicles ‘made in China’ by the US and the European Union.

As a result, EV Funds have seen consecutive monthly outflows since August 2023, while ESG Equity Funds broke a five-month outflow streak in May, which included record-high redemptions, EPFR data reports. With this in mind, what’s the road ahead like for investors in the months to come?

Join EPFR’s Director of Research, Cameron Brandt, and Research Associate, Kirsten Longbottom, as they delved into the latest fund flow trends and analyzed potential future scenarios. Topics covered included:

  • The role of Electric Vehicle Funds within the SRI/ESG space
  • Money trends for EV-related stocks
  • Market sentiment in the aftermaths of US and EU imposed tariffs on China
  • And more.

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