Central banks: Operating in the post-Covid policy environment

In the aftermath of the Covid pandemic’s initial onslaught, central bankers proved their policy toolkit had not – as feared – been exhausted by the great financial crisis of 2008-09 and its aftermath. Furthermore, the experience of combating the GFC taught them to deploy that tool kit quickly and decisively. But, especially in the case of the US and Europe, those central bankers were slow to dial back their support as the global economy rebounded from the initial shock of the pandemic. Many now stand accused of stoking inflationary pressures. With inflation hitting multi-year highs in the US and Europe and fiscal discipline in many countries now honored mainly in the breach, central bankers face a new set of challenges.

During EPFR’s webinar on March 9, EPFR’s Cameron Brandt and Sayad Baronyan discussed challenges faced, how mutual fund flows and allocations are responding, and the relevant signals generated by EPFR’s analysis and models.



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