EPFR Exchange Podcast – ESG investing: expectation vs reality, featuring Trillium’s Elizabeth Levy

Co-hosts Kirsten Longbottom and Cameron Brandt invited Elizabeth Levy, Domestic Equities Portfolio Manager and the Head of ESG Strategy at Trillium Asset Management, to join us on the EPFR Exchange Podcast to talk all things ESG (discover more Market Insights on ESG here).

From a theme often referred to as “pixie dust” for fund flows to a changing dynamic in the last 18 months, from a lack of understanding among investors to a lack of clarity from the investment products themselves, from the environmental aspect to the social side, from energy to clean tech, this episode helps give perspective of the everchanging and overgrowing SRI & ESG equity universe.


Listen in and email us at podcast@epfr.com with questions, or contact us if you want more information on the Fund Flows and Asset Allocations data we track.

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